In the first quarter after deregulation, pharma sector revenue up by 25%

The increase in revenue is driven mostly by price increases as drug manufacturers can finally raise prices based on business need and rising costs instead of regulatory fiat

In the first quarter after price deregulation, Pakistan’s pharmaceutical industry has posted its highest-ever quarterly sales, raking in a staggering Rs237 billion in the second quarter of 2024 – a 25% increase over the same quarter last year, according to data from IQVIA, a healthcare analytics firm.

This growth in revenue was driven in part by increased volumes, but mostly by increasing prices. A hefty 20% of the year-on-year increase is attributed to price hikes, while the remaining 5% is due to a rise in sales volumes. The price surge follows the government’s decision to deregulate drug prices for non-essential categories earlier this year, alongside a one-time price adjustment for 146 drugs in February 2024.

Following that robust quarter, annual revenue for the pharmaceutical sector in Pakistan hit Rs916 billion in fiscal year 2024, up 22% from the previous year. This 22% annual growth also surpasses the industry’s five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17%, suggesting that the price deregulation may have a significant impact on the pharmaceutical industry’s ability to increase its revenue in the years to come.


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