According to a report published by Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA), Balochistan produced 17pc of the total natural gas in the country; but consumed only 2pc natural gas during 2015-16.
Balochistan’s gas consumption declined by 4 mmcfd from 55 mmcfd in 2014-15 to 51 mmcfd in 2015-16, as stated in the OGRA report on the State of the Regulatory Petroleum Industry 2015-16.
In Punjab, gas usage increased from 1035 mmcfd in 2014-15 to 1154 mmcfd in 2015-16; Sindh consumption increased from1139 MMCFD to 1256 MMCFD while Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) consumption increased from 241 mmcfd to 266 mmcfd the report maintained. The report also said that Sindh and Punjab are the biggest gas consumers with 46pc and 42pc share respectively, followed by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan using 10pc and 2pc gas, respectively.
The statistics for province-wise gas production and consumption during FY 2015-16 in SNGPL and SSGC Systems were recorded as follows: Sindh produces 63pc of the natural gas, Balochistan 17pc, KP 7pc, Punjab 3pc while 7pc is LNG import, the report said. On average, during the last 5 years, more than 324,534 consumers were connected to the gas network in 2015-16, out of which about 255,736 consumers were in Punjab.
Due to an ever-rising demand for gas, Pakistan’s gas deficit is forecast to increase even further. The government has initiated various measures to plug the gap between demand and supply which includes: incentivising indigenous exploration, import of natural gas in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas, and import through the development of Cross Country Gas Pipelines, the report said.
2015-16 gas consumption and production figures released by OGRA

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