TikTok was just unbanned. How long do you give it?

The audio-video based social media app has gone from banned to unbanned over and over again

Customer experience – chai, culture, and happy customers

A company striving for greatness has to look no further than the happiness of its customers

On what women wear to work, and why it should be simpler

Traversing what is and what is not appropriate for work is very different for women than it is for men

Can Changan do for sedans what KIA did for SUVs?

The Alsvin is popular, cheap, and a quality buy. Will it be enough?

The need for farmer cooperatives in Pakistan

As the economy goes through a structural transformation, farmer cooperatives are more important than ever before

Luxury EVs, forex, and why they could change Pakistan

All over the world, Electric Vehicles (EVs) fall under the luxury category of automobiles. This is a problem because their biggest selling...

The conundrums of attempting social media regulation

The rules being established for the internet belong nowhere other than in the dark ages

Celebrating Pakistani tech story the right way

An interesting concept, PakLaunch’s conference of entrepreneurs left a lot else to be desired

Developing an entrepreneurial vision for Pakistan

Universities need to step-up and give their students an entrepreneurial culture they can thrive in

FinTech – shaping the future for the better

Pakistan may be late to the party, but that doesn’t mean it’s even close to last call

The Pakistani meme that shook the world

On August of 1st, Muhammad Asif Raza went live on Facebook, as he sat with both new best friend Salman Ahmad Naqsh...

How to apply social proof for customer retention and conversion goals

Converting customers is a massive challenge. Retaining those new customers can be tricky, too

The catch 22 of working in a male-dominated profession

Men are promoted on potential, women on performance

TikTok is a data collection service pretending to be a social network

Instead of banning it every few months, the PTA needs to come up with a proper censorship framework

Influencer matchmaking AI is not the silver bullet it claims to be

While it has solved a lot of problems, a one-fit solution can never be our best bet