Careem co-founder shares five secrets to success with KSBL students

KARACHI: "The perceived risk is a lot greater than the actual risk," said Careem co-founder Mudassir Sheikha in a session held at Karachi School of...

Microsoft unveils AI for its office suite in increased competition with Google

NEW YORK: Microsoft Corp on Thursday trumpeted its latest plans to put artificial intelligence into the hands of more users, answering a...

Google to invest $550 million in Chinese e-commerce giant

Google will invest $550 million in Chinese e-commerce powerhouse, part of the U.S. internet giant’s efforts to expand its presence in fast-growing Asian markets and battle rivals including

Facebook to launch device with camera that follows people around

Was this the best way forward for a company which has lost public trust amid recent data privacy scandals that resulted in millions opting out of the social media site?

Technology behind cryptocurrencies could improve financial system in future

LONDON: Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are failing as a form of money and have shown clear signs of being a financial bubble, but...

UPS, FedEx shares plummet after reports claim Amazon entering delivery business

NEW YORK: United Parcel Service Inc and FedEx Corp shares fell 2 per cent on Friday after a report said Inc...

African nations come together to establish free trade area

Forty-four African countries have signed an agreement establishing a free trade area seen as vital to the continent’s economic development, the head...