Unaccounted for Gas: Unaccountable System

The economy is in a tough spot and every dollar saved counts. Unaccounted for gas is a frontier often normalised and marginalised, it would cost the economy an estimated $1.5 billion if measures aren’t taken.

Pakistan has never had a natural gas surplus to the point where it opted to pursue an energy policy that favoured natural gas as the primary energy source for sectors critical to a stable economy. Experts have also been baffled over the years as to why the pricing of this valuable indigenous resource was not based on the principles of scarcity and optimal usage. Regardless at this point, it might as well be treated as water under the bridge and forward looking solutions must be devised. 

The energy content of a molecule of natural gas measured in mmbtu (metric million British thermal unit) will provide the same amount of energy. When a customer pays for natural gas, they are essentially paying for energy. A consumer would want the same energy content at the lowest feasible price via an efficient delivery system in an ideal scenario.

A gas pipeline is utilised for efficient delivery of gas. Pakistan boasts one of the world’s largest natural gas pipeline networks; whether this was a wise infrastructure investment or not is debatable; what counts is that infrastructure exists and the existing efficiency is nowhere near comparable to international standards.


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Asad Ullah Kamran
Asad Ullah Kamran
The author is a staff member and can be reached at [email protected]


  1. The energy content of a molecule of natural gas measured in mmbtu (metric million British thermal unit) will provide the same amount of energy. When a customer pays for natural gas, they are essentially paying for energy. A consumer would want the same energy content at the lowest feasible price via an efficient delivery system in an ideal scenario.

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