Pakistan needs to fix its electricity network. Here’s one way

Technology must be on the forefront of how we choose to deal with this problem

Provincial subjects and their discontents

For all of the good it has done, the 18th amendment has not been properly utilized and implemented by the provinces, particularly in the case of taxation and labour welfare

Rebuild Karachi

The city’s decline may have much to do with a lack of political ownership, but the situation cannot be allowed to continue. The way out is for the business community to step up with a common agenda

The lucrative business of being white in Pakistan

If you’re white and your career isn’t going anywhere, Pakistan is your second lease on life

2020 – An obituary

As we say goodbye to the year, we will remember it mainly for the massive disruption it brought. 

The economics of a greener coal in Thar Coalfields

Coal may be the dirtiest fuel, but there exist several viable options to continue using indigenous coal while reducing carbon emissions

The fortune at the bottom of the digital pyramid

It is time to recognise that access to the internet being equitable is good for business

Why Pakistan needs a national digital authentication app

In the process of solving old problems, we cannot afford to create new ones

Not all banks!

Recently, I had an opportunity to read Profit Issue #113 and the cover story ‘The discriminatory hiring practices of Islamic Banks: Is...

COD Rules: How to reduce rejection at the doorstep

A series of rules can help e-commerce companies ensure that they reduce their losses

Creativity can be a brand’s greatest asset. Here is how to wield it

Kantar research has shown Pakistani audiences want to see certain themes in their adverts. Here are some of the takeaways

Google’s plans to build a more inclusive internet beyond Covid-19

Between 2015 and 2020, more than 1.5 billion people began using the internet for the first time. Another billion more are set...

Startups need actions, not words

In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on startups and the immense potential they bring to the economy. The government...

Why ban Tinder?

Banning Tinder changes nothing, except giving its ‘halal’ competitors an edge.

Beating a pandemic

What have we gained and lost through the Covid-19 experience?