Is the mini-budget a ruse?

Measures announced in the mini-budget, the confusing stance regarding approaching the IMF could weigh heavily on the government's ability to tackle the issues threatening the economy

Why Pakistan’s cotton value-chain has begun to atrophy

The industry blames a lack of government support, but capital appears to be shifting away from manufacturing, and the economics of growing other crops is better than that of cotton

Interloop targeting Pakistan’s largest-ever private sector IPO

The nation’s 7th largest exporter is keen to get listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange

Pakistan Textiles flourish despite the odds

Rendered uncompetitive owing to high utility prices, the Pakistan textile exports still make an appreciable surge

No match to China, India

Ever wondered why some fabrics feel smooth as silk to touch while others are abrasive against one’s skin? Ever chose a dress...

Cut out the middlemen, increase profits

Pakistan’s textile exports have been falling at 3.5 per cent per year since fiscal 2013. Yet Feroze1888 Mills Limited has increased its...

Try Try Again

Mother of two teenaged boys, daughter of Anwar Moosajee (owner of the famous A. Moosajee and sons), a food and nutrition scientist,...

Money well spent?

When they first came into office, the Nawaz Administration’s pronouncements on the textile industry were a libertarian’s dream come true. Commerce Minister...

Outfitters’: How a mould-breaking business model caved in to Pakistani patriarchy

It started off with a bold idea born of an important insight: young middle class men and women in Pakistan’s urban centers...