Can Careem crack the super-app code?

Pakistan’s largest tech company has gotten people used to the idea of paying for rides online. Will it now succeed in creating its own online ecosystem?

The budget of Ls: Explained by economists

Experts explain how 'corona budget' focuses more on 'lives, livelihoods, locusts and lockdown'

Hey shehri babu, here is why you need to pay attention to the locust invasion

Back in February, Profit had done a feature on the swarms of locusts laying waste to entire yields of crops and threatening...

Your salary does not get paid on time because the State Bank thinks bankers do not know how to do their jobs

How the central bank’s Prudential Regulations keep the banking sector from lending to the majority of the economy, and how it affects businesses and people

The great life insurance swindle

How the industry has taken to selling it more as an investment and less as financial protection, often deceiving customers about the true nature of their product, shaking the public’s trust in a country that already has the lowest insurance penetration in the region

No PM, you’re wrong. We can afford a shutdown. Here’s how

A combination of cash transfers and government stimulus is necessary and doable as a temporary response to prevent massive loss of life and permanent damage to the nation's healthcare infrastructure