The state of higher education in Pakistan

How educated is the Pakistani workforce, and what is it prepared for, especially in the age of AI?

Smuggled vapes from China are poisoning Pakistan

Since BAT pulled their vaping product, Vuse, from the market, nearly all of the vapes being sold in Pakistan are illegally smuggled. With a criminally unregulated market to play around in, just how big is this business?

Spiritual guidance and business genius: The life and times of the Aga Khan

Prince Karim Al-Husseini controlled a massive fortune matched only by the huge impact he had on the world and Pakistan

Coke and Pepsi (to name just two) took a hit from the BDS movement. Local brands bottled the opportunity

McDonald’s, KFC, Coca Cola, Pepsico are among the companies that saw a significant, often major, downturn in sales following the genocide in Gaza, but over time, their numbers have returned largely to normal out of ‘boycott fatigue’

Asset management taking off? Not yet

By some measures, the Pakistani asset management industry is the largest it has ever been. By other measures, it has not even recovered its 2008 peak yet

How profitable is Islamic banking?

The perception of Islamic banking is that it takes advantage of people’s faith. How high are the industry’s profits, and where do they come from?

The bifurcation of payments

Electronic payments are gaining market share, but cash is not ceding ground either

Dear Google Wallet, welcome to Digital Pakistan

The party in digital payments in Pakistan is already here. The global tech giant appears likely to be less of a catalyst and more a participant in the rising tide of the digitization of the Pakistani rupee

The Engro restructuring

The Dawood family takes a more direct approach to their shareholding in Engro, saving on taxes they probably should not have had to pay to begin with

The dark side of Pakistan’s digital ‘masterplan’

The timing of the bill and the lack of data privacy legislation in Pakistan raises questions about the government’s intentions

Could the Airlink model be Pakistan’s Shining City on a Hill?

From its start as an importer, Airlink has been assembling laptops, tablets, and phones and significantly increasing their margins. What does it say about Pakistan’s economy?

KSE at 100,000: What does it mean for Pakistan?

At a time of political instability and a tentative economic recovery, the KSE-100 index has crossed a major milestone. What does the market's rally mean for Pakistan?

The case for the Ufone-Telenor merger

Why, counterintuitively, fewer competitors might mean better choices for mobile telecommunications consumers in Pakistan

The changing nature of Pakistan’s Establishment

We talk in Pakistan as though we have an unchanging establishment, dominated by the military. Reality is far more complex, and changing very rapidly, driven by a changing economy

Dear control-freak seth, welcome to the stock exchange

By introducing the dual-class shareholding structures, the Pakistan Stock Exchange – and the SECP – are hoping to attract the listing of companies whose owners want to retain tight control but do not mind sharing profits