Has the ‘Peoples’ Bus Service fallen prey to the people’s representatives?
Why would management of a provincial public transport project be given to a federal company responsible for producing telecommunications equipment?
The year of the landa bazar
One trader’s loss is another’s profit
How a bad economy derailed a move towards apartment living
Inflation has wreaked havoc on commodity prices making highrise building projects almost unsellable
Uncompetitive and short in supply. The tragic and avoidable undoing of Pakistan’s cotton crop
As output falls with each passing year, the industry faces a bleak future
The Return of the King
An unseasonably cool March has put Pakistan’s prized mangoes back on the map this year. But at what cost?
The fool’s fuel plan?
In another world, in a country not so close to the brink, and with a lot more time the fuel cross-subsidy may have had a shot. Right now it is a case of bad timing and bad planning
Jahangir Siddiqui will soon own two banks. Not everyone is happy
From legal technicalities to outright accusations of white-collar crime involving big business, as well as the regulators, JS Bank’s bid to buy BankIslami has many detractors. But will any of this be enough to stop the transaction from taking place?
Descon’s long-play
One of Pakistan’s largest conglomerates has quietly entered the agricultural sector. But they don’t just plan on selling salt and drying vegetables. They want it all
Between a saint and a shrine: The curse of Bahria Icon Tower
Launched in 2009, the Bahria Icon Tower has constantly fallen prey to messy legal problems. With no buyers in sight, how long will the tower remain a ghost-town?
The HBLPSL is here to stay. But how high can it go?
The debate between stakeholders about the tournament’s financial model is continuing even as it packs stadiums and makes good money
We don’t have a brain drain problem. We have a ghurbat problem
A vast majority of Pakistanis going abroad for work are unskilled or semi-skilled labourers living hand-to-mouth because of unemployment at home. The biggest victim is KP
Bust, boom, and bust — Mush’s Muddy economic footprint
Musharraf oversaw one of Pakistan’s rare periods of economic growth. But what was the cost of these numbers, and why did he leave behind a mess?
Jo Banain Gai Khain Gai
As our standard of living faces a collapse, the main focus of our economic policy should be efficient production of exportable goods and agricultural products
Byram D Avari, the Parsis of Karachi, and the future of Pakistan
From the original generation of Pakistanis, Avari was a shrewd businessman and a faithful community leader. But what does the Pakistan he leaves behind look like?
Ladies and gentlemen, here are your digital banks
With the central bank finally issuing NOCs for setting up digital banks, Profit looks at the contenders and their intentions