The war for scraps

Already punch-drunk from censorship and changing times, a large crack has appeared within the print media industry over the most important issue there is — money

In a bid to boost sales, Changan to offer financing for its minivans

With no buy back condition on Master Motors, Changan and Bank Alfalah are trying to make comfortable minivans affordable to Pakistani consumers

What does Airlift’s $85 million round mean for Pakistan?

The valuation has implications beyond just Airlift as a company

When advertisers knowingly violate intellectual property rights

In the wake of British American Tobacco being accused of violating intellectual property rights of Giraffe Pakistan, without seeking permission nor offering compensation or credit, Profit sought to understand the full extent of the unethical conduct in the advertising industry.

The discriminatory hiring practices of Islamic banks: is this the shape of things to come?

Religious dress codes exist for women, but not men. Discrimination against religious minorities can get quite explicit, and even against non-religious Muslims. Will this spread to other parts of Corporate Pakistan?

GrocerApp is expanding its operations. But can it succeed in its market?

We take you through the business model, the ethic and what lies ahead of GrocerApp

Pakistan Textiles flourish despite the odds

Rendered uncompetitive owing to high utility prices, the Pakistan textile exports still make an appreciable surge

Decoding the progress of Naya Pakistan Housing

A project-by-project dive to reveal the real progress of Naya Pakistan Housing

Will Airlift be able to provide a public service and still make money?

Buses make sense. Global warming has you down? Run a high class public bus system and you have the answer. Need jobs?...

Japanese second hand cars in Pakistan — value for money?

Reported at upwards of $35 billion, the external account deficit for the fiscal 2016-17 was the highest in the history of the...

Just how undervalued is the PSX right now?

Even though the market has breached the 49,000 psychological barrier, is the real rally still pending?

Despite the SBP’s best efforts, lending has stayed flat over the past year

Total lending by banks grew by just 1% over the past year, even as deposits continued to grow by about 12% during the same period

Pakistan is fishing for LNG suppliers again. But why does no one want to bite?

The news stories hit like clockwork every year. As the winters approach, different industries start complaining that there is not enough gas...

From a hole in the wall to market leader

Lifting its shutters for the first time in 1974 as a modest enterprise in the famed Bano Bazar of Anarkali – a...

Private Solutions to Public Problems – Can Miftah’s education vouchers work?

The jury is split on whether or not conventional public education spending can be replaced with something better